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CMUnow on KAFM Community Radio, Episode 12

This episode aired on June 18, 2020

This episode of CMUnow on KAFM features Colorado Mesa University recent alumna and former Residence Life Resident Assistant Brooklyn Buhre and Associate Professor of Economics Nathan Perry, PhD.

Colorado Mesa University Alumna Brooklyn Buhre

Buhre describes what it was like being a student and Residence Life RA during this past spring when COVID-19 interrupted the Spring 2020 semester. She also tells listeners what it has been like graduating and entering the workforce during a pandemic, and what excites her most about the future.

Associate Professor of Economics Nathan Perry, PhD

Dr. Perry discusses his involvement in the community and the impact his research has on the community including assessments for local entities like Country Jam, the National Resource Center and the health department. He also highlights how his research makes its way into the classroom to benefit students. He also tells how he keeps politics out of his research and academic work and focuses on the data and empirical measurements. 

Tune in to KAFM community radio at 88.1 on the second Tuesday of every month from 12-12:30pm to listen to the CMUnow show.

Full transcript



Written by Katlin Birdsall


Written by Katlin Birdsall

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